Gist Runner

Run Jobs on Blitline

This page will take a Github gist ID, and setup a blitline job to run. Click the "Run this job" button below to run the Blitline Job. If you are logged in, the "YOUR_APP_ID" in the Gist will be replaced with your actual Blitline application ID to make running the job easier.

This is editable JSON...
{ "application_id":"YOUR_APP_ID", "v" : 1.21, "src":"", "functions":[ { "name":"dissolve", "params":{ "src":"", "gravity" : "NorthWestGravity", "x" : 10, "y" : 10, "src_percentage" : 0.50, "scale_to_fit" : { "height" : 150, "width" : 150 } }, "save":{ "image_identifier":"MY_CLIENT_ID" } } ] }
See this gist

Check out some other examples (likePDF or Word conversions )


This page uses the Blitline javascript tool available on Github